1.Avoid visiting areas where the disease is prevalent. 2、建议疫情防控期间减少走亲访友和聚餐,尽量在家休息。 2. It is recommended to make less visits to relatives and friends and dining together during the epidemic prevention and control, and stay a...
小苏“打卡”运博会③丨Let's explore the 3rd Grand Canal Expo, where canals rendezvous with the silk road! 2021年09月24日 21:39:55 | 来源:我苏网 字号变大| 字号变小 9月23日,...
First, we must mobilize to save lives and livelihoods,focusing attention where the risk is most acute. ©世界粮食计划署 这意味着将食品和营养服务指定为基本服务,同时对食品工...
花瓶设计 图片来源自homeiswheretheboatis 具体制作方法就是将网兜用剪刀剪开,然后比照着花瓶瓶口处的大小剪下一个相同的圆形,并且用胶带将其盖在瓶口处。 鲜花搭配 图片来源自DIYbunke...
Therefore, the more practical question is: where to find potential projects in this sector? Liu Zehui has always focused his attention on finding what young people love and...
更多内容请点击:【防控疫情】新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎公众预防提示【中英文对照版... 推荐文章